


=>  org.bukkit.event.Event

    =>  org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryEvent

        =>  org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryInteractEvent

            =>  org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent


This event is called when a player clicks in an inventory.

Because InventoryClickEvent occurs within a modification of the Inventory,

not all Inventory related methods are safe to use.

The following should never be invoked by an EventHandler for

InventoryClickEvent using the HumanEntity or InventoryView associated with

this event:

  • {@link HumanEntity#closeInventory()}

  • {@link HumanEntity#openInventory(Inventory)}

  • {@link HumanEntity#openWorkbench(Location, boolean)}

  • {@link HumanEntity#openEnchanting(Location, boolean)}

  • {@link InventoryView#close()}

To invoke one of these methods, schedule a task using

{@link BukkitScheduler#runTask(Plugin, Runnable)}, which will run the task

on the next tick. Also be aware that this is not an exhaustive list, and

other methods could potentially create issues as well.

Assuming the EntityHuman associated with this event is an instance of a

Player, manipulating the MaxStackSize or contents of an Inventory will

require an Invocation of {@link Player#updateInventory()}.

Modifications to slots that are modified by the results of this

InventoryClickEvent can be overwritten. To change these slots, this event

should be cancelled and all desired changes to the inventory applied.

Alternatively, scheduling a task using {@link BukkitScheduler#runTask(

Plugin, Runnable)}, which would execute the task on the next tick, would

work as well.




  • `HumanEntity#closeInventory()`

  • `HumanEntity#openInventory(Inventory)`

  • `HumanEntity#openWorkbench(Location, boolean)`

  • `HumanEntity#openEnchanting(Location, boolean)`

  • `InventoryView#close()`

如确有必要调用上述方法,请使用 BukkitScheduler#runTask(Plugin, Runnable) 调度一个任务,在下一刻执行方法。另外,上述列表并不一定完整,可能尚存有未列出的方法,同样不宜在本事件的监听器中使用。

假设触发本事件的 HumanEntity 对象是 Player 的下级类,则如欲修改涉事物品栏所允许的物品堆最大堆叠数量或涉事物品栏的内容物,必须随后调用 Player#updateInventory() 以更新物品栏。

如果在监听器中对某个槽位中的物品堆作了修改,而事件本身的结果也对该槽位中的物品堆存在影响,则监听器中的修改可能会被覆盖。如必欲修改,应当取消本事件,然后在监听器中手动模拟事件结果。当然也可以使用 BukkitScheduler#runTask(Plugin, Runnable) 方法,在下一刻进行修改。



方法声明: public SlotType getSlotType()

方法签名: ()Lorg/bukkit/event/inventory/InventoryType/SlotType;

Gets the type of slot that was clicked.

@return the slot type


@return 涉事槽位的类型。


方法声明: public ItemStack getCursor()

方法签名: ()Lorg/bukkit/inventory/ItemStack;

Gets the current ItemStack on the cursor.

@return the cursor ItemStack


@return 玩家光标上现有的物品堆。


方法声明: public ItemStack getCurrentItem()

方法签名: ()Lorg/bukkit/inventory/ItemStack;

Gets the ItemStack currently in the clicked slot.

@return the item in the clicked


@return 被点击的槽位中现有的物品堆。


方法声明: public boolean isRightClick()

方法签名: ()Z

Gets whether or not the ClickType for this event represents a right


@return true if the ClickType uses the right mouse button.

@see ClickType#isRightClick()

该方法用于获取玩家在点击时是否按下了鼠标右键。本方法的返回值是根据 getClick() 方法的返回值所确定的。

@return 如果玩家在点击时按下了鼠标右键则返回 true

@see 参见 ClickType#isRightClick() 方法。


方法声明: public boolean isLeftClick()

方法签名: ()Z

Gets whether or not the ClickType for this event represents a left


@return true if the ClickType uses the left mouse button.

@see ClickType#isLeftClick()

该方法用于获取玩家在点击时是否按下了鼠标左键。本方法的返回值是根据 getClick() 方法的返回值所确定的。

@return 如果玩家在点击时按下了鼠标左键则返回 true

@see 参见 ClickType#isLeftClick() 方法。


方法声明: public boolean isShiftClick()

方法签名: ()Z

Gets whether the ClickType for this event indicates that the key was

pressed down when the click was made.

@return true if the ClickType uses Shift or Ctrl.

@see ClickType#isShiftClick()

该方法用于获取玩家在点击时是否按下了 Shift 键。本方法的返回值是根据 getClick() 方法的返回值所确定的。

@return 如果玩家在点击时按下了 Shift 键或 Ctrl 键则返回 true

@see 参见 ClickType#isShiftClick() 方法。


方法声明: public void setCursor(@Nullable ItemStack stack)

方法签名: (Lorg/bukkit/inventory/ItemStack;)V

Sets the item on the cursor.

@param stack the new cursor item

@deprecated This changes the ItemStack in their hand before any

calculations are applied to the Inventory, which has a tendency to

create inconsistencies between the Player and the server, and to

make unexpected changes in the behavior of the clicked Inventory.


@deprecated 该方法已过时。本方法会在物品栏中另外的内容修改以前强行改变光标上的物品堆,有可能导致客户端和服务端之间数据不同步,让被点击的物品栏出现不符合预期的变化。


方法声明: public void setCurrentItem(@Nullable ItemStack stack)

方法签名: (Lorg/bukkit/inventory/ItemStack;)V

Sets the ItemStack currently in the clicked slot.

@param stack the item to be placed in the current slot


@param stack 将要置于被点击的槽位内的物品堆。


方法声明: public Inventory getClickedInventory()

方法签名: ()Lorg/bukkit/inventory/Inventory;

Gets the inventory corresponding to the clicked slot.

@return inventory, or null if clicked outside

@see InventoryView#getInventory(int)


@return 点击的物品栏。如果点击了物品栏以外的区域,则返回 null

@see 参见 InventoryView#getInventory(int) 方法。


方法声明: public int getSlot()

方法签名: ()I

The slot number that was clicked, ready for passing to

{@link Inventory#getItem(int)}. Note that there may be two slots with

the same slot number, since a view links two different inventories.

@return The slot number.

该方法用于获取点击的槽位序号( slot ),该序号可以作为 Inventory#getItem(int) 方法的参数,用于获取某个槽位上的物品堆。这个槽位序号在单个物品栏中是唯一的,但对于一个物品栏视图中的上下两个物品栏而言不是。两个物品栏中的不同格子可能对应相同的槽位序号。

@return 点击的槽位序号( slot )。


方法声明: public int getRawSlot()

方法签名: ()I

The raw slot number clicked, ready for passing to {@link InventoryView

#getItem(int)} This slot number is unique for the view.

@return the slot number

该方法用于获取点击的槽位序号( raw slot ),该序号可以作为 InventoryView#getItem(int) 方法的参数,用于获取某个槽位上的物品堆。这个槽位序号在整个物品栏视图(即上下两个物品栏)中是唯一的。

@return 点击的槽位序号( raw slot )。


方法声明: public int getHotbarButton()

方法签名: ()I

If the ClickType is NUMBER_KEY, this method will return the index of

the pressed key (0-8).

@return the number on the key minus 1 (range 0-8); or -1 if not

a NUMBER_KEY action

如果 getClick() 方法返回 NUMBER_KEY ,则本方法会返回按下的数字键的序号( 0-8 )。

@return 如果 getClick() 方法返回值不是 NUMBER_KEY 则返回 -1 ,否则返回数字键上的数字减去一所得的值( 0-8 )。

译注:在物品栏中可以通过按下 1-9 数字键来将物品快速移动到玩家背包的快捷栏。本方法的返回值是将 1-9 数字键上的数字减去一而得,范围即为 0-8


方法声明: public InventoryAction getAction()

方法签名: ()Lorg/bukkit/event/inventory/InventoryAction;

Gets the InventoryAction that triggered this event.

This action cannot be changed, and represents what the normal outcome

of the event will be. To change the behavior of this

InventoryClickEvent, changes must be manually applied.

@return the InventoryAction that triggered this event.



@return 一个 InventoryAction 枚举字段,用于确定点击的动作。


方法声明: public ClickType getClick()

方法签名: ()Lorg/bukkit/event/inventory/ClickType;

Gets the ClickType for this event.

This is insulated against changes to the inventory by other plugins.

@return the type of inventory click



@return 一个 ClickType 枚举字段,用于确定点击的类型。


方法声明: public HandlerList getHandlers()

方法签名: ()Lorg/bukkit/event/HandlerList;


方法声明: public static HandlerList getHandlerList()

方法签名: ()Lorg/bukkit/event/HandlerList;

Last updated