


=>  org.bukkit.event.Event

    =>  org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerEvent

        =>  org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent


Represents an event that is called when a player interacts with an object or

air, potentially fired once for each hand. The hand can be determined using

{@link #getHand()}.

This event will fire as cancelled if the vanilla behavior is to do nothing

(e.g interacting with air). For the purpose of avoiding doubt, this means

that the event will only be in the cancelled state if it is fired as a result

of some prediction made by the server where no subsequent code will run,

rather than when the subsequent interaction activity (e.g. placing a block in

an illegal position ({@link BlockCanBuildEvent}) will fail.

当玩家与某物品或空气交互时触发。有时,同一次交互行为可能会两次触发本事件,主副手各一次。通过 getHand() 方法可确定玩家正使用哪只手进行交互。



Map<UUID, Long> intervals = new HashMap<>(256);

public void onInteract(PlayerInteractEvent event) {
  var uuid = event.getPlayer().getUniqueId();
  if (intervals.containsKey(uuid)) {
    if (System.currentTimeMillis() - intervals.get(uuid) < 50) {
  intervals.put(uuid, System.currentTimeMillis());
  // Do something.

不要轻易保存 Player 对象,以免使 JVM 在玩家下线后无法完成垃圾回收。使用 UUID 是最简单方便的。



方法声明: public Action getAction()

方法签名: ()Lorg/bukkit/event/block/Action;

Returns the action type

@return Action returns the type of interaction


@return 一个 Action 枚举字段,用于确定交互时的动作种类。



方法声明: public boolean isCancelled()

方法签名: ()Z

Gets the cancellation state of this event. Set to true if you want to

prevent buckets from placing water and so forth

@return boolean cancellation state

@deprecated This event has two possible cancellation states, one for

{@link #useInteractedBlock()} and one for {@link #useItemInHand()}. It is

possible a call might have the former false, but the latter true, eg in

the case of using a firework whilst gliding. Callers should check the

relevant methods individually.

@deprecated 该方法已过时。本事件有两个层面,各自之取消与否可用两个方法确定,分别为 useInteractedBlock() 方法和 useItemInHand() 方法。前者返回 false 时,后者也可能返回 true ,比如玩家在使用鞘翅滑翔时右键使用烟花火箭。用户应当分别使用这两个方法来确定本事件是否取消。

译注:原文第一段为所有 isCancelled 方法共用的文档,不赘。

useInteractedBlock()useItemInHand() 方法返回的是 Event.Result ,不是布尔值。Event.Result 所承载的含义比布尔值更精确。其枚举字段中,ALLOW 代表强行允许,DENY 代表强行禁止,而 DEFAULT 代表的是“按照原版游戏规则处理”。

当玩家使用鞘翅滑翔时,对着空气右键使用烟花火箭,会消耗烟花火箭来推进己身,因而从“是否涉及手中物品”层面来看,玩家的确使用了手中物品,useItemInHand() 方法应当返回 DEFAULT ,也就是按原版游戏规则处理。原版游戏规则中,烟花火箭物品堆会被消耗,然后玩家加速。但是从“是否涉及被点击的方块”层面来看,玩家使用烟花火箭的过程不应该影响空气方块,所以 useInteractedBlock() 方法返回 DENY ,即强行禁止。

请一并阅读 setCancelled 方法文档。


方法声明: public void setCancelled(boolean cancel)

方法签名: (Z)V

Sets the cancellation state of this event. A canceled event will not be

executed in the server, but will still pass to other plugins

Canceling this event will prevent use of food (player won't lose the

food item), prevent bows/snowballs/eggs from firing, etc. (player won't

lose the ammo)

@param cancel true if you wish to cancel this event


译注:原文第一段为所有 isCancelled 方法共用的文档,不赘。

useInteractedBlock()useItemInHand() 方法返回的是 Event.Result ,不是布尔值。Event.Result 所承载的含义比布尔值更精确。其枚举字段中,ALLOW 代表强行允许,DENY 代表强行禁止,而 DEFAULT 代表的是“按照原版游戏规则处理”。

当玩家食用物品时(假设该物品不会给玩家施加药水效果),会消耗手中物品堆,增加饱食度。因而从“是否涉及手中物品”层面来看,玩家的确使用了手中物品,useItemInHand() 方法应当返回 DEFAULT ,也就是按原版游戏规则处理。原版游戏规则中,食物物品堆会被消耗,然后玩家饱食度增加。但是从“是否涉及被点击的方块”层面来看,玩家使用物品堆的过程不应该影响任何方块,所以 useInteractedBlock() 方法返回 DENY ,即强行禁止。

请一并阅读 isCancelled 方法文档。


方法声明: public ItemStack getItem()

方法签名: ()Lorg/bukkit/inventory/ItemStack;

Returns the item in hand represented by this event

@return ItemStack the item used


@return 涉事物品堆。


方法声明: public Material getMaterial()

方法签名: ()Lorg/bukkit/Material;

Convenience method. Returns the material of the item represented by

this event

@return Material the material of the item used

该方法用于获取玩家触发事件时所持的物品堆的材质。该方法是 getItem().getType() 的简写。

@return 涉事物品堆的材质。


方法声明: public boolean hasBlock()

方法签名: ()Z

Check if this event involved a block

@return boolean true if it did


@return 如果事件与方块有关则返回 true


方法声明: public boolean hasItem()

方法签名: ()Z

Check if this event involved an item

@return boolean true if it did


@return 如果事件与物品有关则返回 true


方法声明: public boolean isBlockInHand()

方法签名: ()Z

Convenience method to inform the user whether this was a block

placement event.

@return boolean true if the item in hand was a block

该方法用于获取事件是否因玩家放置方块而触发。该方法是 getItem().getType().isBlock() 的简写。

@return 如果玩家手中的物品堆为可放置的方块(即物品、方块共用同一材质)则返回 true


方法声明: public Block getClickedBlock()

方法签名: ()Lorg/bukkit/block/Block;

Returns the clicked block

@return Block returns the block clicked with this item.


@return 玩家手持涉事物品点击的方块。


方法声明: public BlockFace getBlockFace()

方法签名: ()Lorg/bukkit/block/BlockFace;

Returns the face of the block that was clicked

@return BlockFace returns the face of the block that was clicked


@return 被点击的方块面。


方法声明: public Result useInteractedBlock()

方法签名: ()Lorg/bukkit/event/Event/Result;

This controls the action to take with the block (if any) that was

clicked on. This event gets processed for all blocks, but most don't

have a default action

@return the action to take with the interacted block


@return 要对方块采取的行为。

译注:参见 isCancelled() 方法和 setCancelled(boolean) 方法。


方法声明: public void setUseInteractedBlock(@NotNull Result useInteractedBlock)

方法签名: (Lorg/bukkit/event/Event/Result;)V

@param useInteractedBlock the action to take with the interacted block

@param useInteractedBlock 要对方块采取的行为。

译注:参见 useInteractedBlock() 方法。


方法声明: public Result useItemInHand()

方法签名: ()Lorg/bukkit/event/Event/Result;

This controls the action to take with the item the player is holding.

This includes both blocks and items (such as flint and steel or

records). When this is set to default, it will be allowed if no action

is taken on the interacted block.

@return the action to take with the item in hand

在玩家手持物品不为空时,该方法用于确定要采取何种行为。玩家手持方块或非方块的物品时,物品都有可能被使用、被消耗(对于方块而言,是放置方块,而对于非方块的物品而言,可能是打火石点火,抑或是唱片被播放)。如果本方法返回值为 Result.DEFAULT ,也有可能不对被点击的方块实行任何操作。

@return 要对手持物品采取的行为。

译注:参见 isCancelled() 方法和 setCancelled(boolean) 方法。


方法声明: public void setUseItemInHand(@NotNull Result useItemInHand)

方法签名: (Lorg/bukkit/event/Event/Result;)V

@param useItemInHand the action to take with the item in hand

@param useItemInHand 要对手持物品采取的行为。

译注:参见 useItemInHand() 方法。


方法声明: public EquipmentSlot getHand()

方法签名: ()Lorg/bukkit/inventory/EquipmentSlot;

The hand used to perform this interaction. May be null in the case of

{@link Action#PHYSICAL}.

@return the hand used to interact. May be null.

该方法用于获取交互时所使用的那一侧手。如果 getAction() 方法返回 Action#PHYSICAL 则本方法返回 null

@return 交互时所使用的那一侧手。本方法可能返回 null

译注:一般而言,涉及玩家交互时,交互行为只与主副手有关,而与左右手无关。玩家以左手为主手,和以右手为主手进行交互时,没有除客户端画面显示以外的区别。如欲监听玩家设定主手,可参见 PlayerChangedMainHandEvent


方法声明: public HandlerList getHandlers()

方法签名: ()Lorg/bukkit/event/HandlerList;


方法声明: public static HandlerList getHandlerList()

方法签名: ()Lorg/bukkit/event/HandlerList;

Last updated